Positive Self-Care Starter


This 24 page workbook includes an overview of self-care from a strength-based perspective including instructions on how to develop positive habits that build resilience and counter both present and future stress. Five activities are included that are based on the research in Positive Psychology and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy that are designed to practice separately or together as part of a larger self-care plan.

This product can only be purchased by members.


Positive Self-Care Starter: Five Activities to Build Resilience and Reduce Unhealthy Stress (July, 2023)

Christopher L. Heffner, PsyD, PhD

This 24 page workbook includes an overview of self-care from a strength-based perspective including instructions on how to develop positive habits that build resilience and counter both present and future stress. Five activities are included that are based on the research in Positive Psychology and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy that are designed to practice separately or together as part of a larger ongoing self-care plan.

Free Download. Must be logged in.