What Activities Do People Use to Regulate Their Moods?

Even if we aren’t always aware of it, we all have tricks we use to manage our emotions on a day-to-day basis. One of these is that we engage in different activities that help us regulate our moods. When we’re feeling down, we do something that’ll help bring our mood back up. For example, listening…

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Following Rules Can Make You Less Intelligent

If you’ve ever gotten stuck in the jaws of a bureaucracy, you know that rules can do funny things to people. When people have a rule they can follow blindly, they tend to stop thinking because they don’t need to think. The problem is that once you stop thinking, it can hard to start back…

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Alternate Sleep and Study for More Efficient Learning

Remembering new things like words in a foreign language can be tough, but an international team of researchers has a trick to make memorization a little easier on yourself. When I was browsing recent psychology research and came across an article titled Relearn Faster and Retain Longer: Along With Practice, Sleep Makes Perfect, I’ll admit…

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3 Things Your Smartphone Use Says About You

Ever feel like from your emails to your calls to your web history, your whole life is on your mobile phone? You could be right. Lately, psychology researchers have been looking at what they can learn about you by looking at your smartphone, and it turns out the answer is: a lot. Here are 3…

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What Does Your Sense of Humor Say About You?

Psychologists are taking the adage that “there’s no such thing as a joke” to entirely new places, and they’re finding that your sense of humor might say more about you than you realize. In 2003, researchers in London – London, Ontario, that is – created the Humor Style Questionnaire based on the idea that it…

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Meta-Emotional Problems Play an Important Role in Phobias

A phobia or anxiety disorder is kind of like an onion. No, not because it can make you cry, but because it has several layers. First, there are the symptoms of the disorder itself – elevated heart rate, for example. But there are also what psychologists call the meta-emotional aspects of the disorder – how…

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More Evidence Linking Reading and Empathy

Reading a book might not just be a fun way to kill some time. According to a growing body of research, it can also make you better at understanding what other people are thinking and feeling. When you start a new book, you’re invited to immerse yourself in a new world. Among other things, getting…

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The Way Things Are Is the Way Things SHOULD Be?

“That’s just how we do things.” “That’s just the way things are.” “I don’t see any reason not to do things that way.” None of these are very compelling explanations for why we should do something. But if most of us were cross-examined about why we do certain things, from our own individual habits all…

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Can Envy Be Healthy?

Envy gets a bad rap. I mean, let’s be real: being on a list of “seven deadly sins” isn’t good PR for anyone. Fortunately, psychologists aren’t always the types to judge a sin by its cover, and research into this most human of emotions has found that envy might actually have a good side. To…

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3 Things You Didn’t Know About Daydreaming

If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time thinking about things other than what you’re doing in the present moment. In fact, if you’re like most people, your mind is wandering for almost half of your waking life. Considering how much time people spend with their minds adrift, researchers have started to get…

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