PRO Course 1204: Positive Psychology Interventions: A Meta Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies [1 Credit]

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PRO Course 1204: Positive Psychology Interventions: A Meta Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies [1 Credit]

This online text-based course covers a peer-reviewed article that provides an overview of psychological interventions related to positive psychology. Included is a meta analysis of 39 randomized controlled studies that focused on self-help, interventions, group training, and individual therapy. Using subjective well-being. psychological well being, and depression as outcome measures, results were significant but small. Suggestions for improving the power of positive psychology interventions and for additional study are included. References are included as well.

Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes): By successfully completing this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. Provide an overview of well being as a key component of mental health
  2. Discuss the process used to identify positive psychology intervention research and to analyze the individual and collective effectiveness of interventions
  3. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of current positive psychology interventions research and how to improve future research

Last Revision: September, 2022

Audience and Course Level: This course is appropriate for PsychologistsMental Health CounselorsSocial Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists who incorporate positive psychology and well being into their professional practice.  The course level is considered introductory since it introduces the learner to well-being and its links with crucial life domains.

Course Utility and Potential Risks/Conflicts: The utility of this course lies in helping practitioners better utilize well-being research and interventions.  The course does not include clinical training or certification.  This course is not sponsored by any commercial organizations and no potential conflicts of interest are noted.

Credits: 1.0

Course Instructors: This course was developed by Christopher L. Heffner, PsyD, PhD

Technical Requirements: Internet Access for Course Quiz, PDF Viewer (e.g., Acrobat Reader) for Course Materials.

Additional Requirements: None

Suggested Prerequisites: None

APA Approved Sponsor

Custom Continuing Education, LLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Custom Continuing Education, LLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

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3 Ratings
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Posted 6 months ago


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Posted 2 years ago

Positive this short course is very useful for the scholars.

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Posted 3 years ago
Pos Psych Interventions

Good to see research on positive psychology.

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