Continuing Education [CE] requirements for psychologists are summarized below for each state. While AllPsych works to continually update and accurately summarize CE rules for each state, we can can not guarantee the accuracy of any information provided.
20 hours per year (six hours can be carried over). No specific topics mentioned. Programs require APA or must be APA-equivalent. No mention of limits to online learning.
Alabama Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits plus 6* credits that can be carried over from CustomCE each renewal year.
Alabama Board of Examiners in Psychology
20 hours every year, including three hours of ethics. Program must be approved by APA or other national mental health organization.
Alaska Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCE each renewal year.
Alaska Board of Psychologist and Psychological Associate Examiners
60 hours every two years. 40 from Category I, including four hours in ethics and four hours in child abuse or domestic violence training and 20 from Category II (self-study, prep for publication, presentation, case studies, workshop or seminar). Category I must be from APA, state sponsored or otherwise accredited programs. No mention of limits to online learning.
Arizona Psychologists can apply up to 60* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Arizona Board of Psychologist Examiners
20 hours every year, including three hours of ethics. Program must be approved by APA or other national mental health organization.
Arkansas Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCE each renewal year.
36 hours every two years. Must include training on CA laws and rules (does not specify number of credits). Independent learning can not be used for more than 75% (27 hours). Programs must be APA, CMA, ACCMA, or CA Psych Assoc.
California Psychologists can apply up to 27* CE credits from CustomCE each renewal year.
California Board of Psychology
Colorado psychologists are required to complete 40 hours of professional development every two years.
Colorado Psychologists can apply up to 40* CE credits from CustomCE each two-year renewal period.
Colorado State Board of Psychologist Examiners
10 hours every year. No mention of specific required topics. Programs must meet minimum criteria, including APA, university, or professional organization. Maximum of five hours of online education.
Connecticut Psychologists can apply up to 5* CE credits from CustomCE each renewal year.
Connecticut Board of Examiners of Psychologists
50 hours every two years, including three hours of ethics. Renewals occur 8/01/odd year. APA sponsorship or APA equivalent accepted. No mention of limits to online learning.
Delaware Psychologists can apply up to 50* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Delaware Board of Examiners of Psychologists
District of Columbia
30 hours every two years. No mention of specific topics required. APA sponsored and university based programs are preapproved, others must be approved by the board. A maximum of 15 hours of online education is allowed.
DC Psychologists can apply up to 15* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
District of Columbia Board of Psychology
40 hours every two years, including two hours of medical errors and three hours of ethics and Florida law. Two hours of domestic violence due every third renewal (once every six years). No mention of limits to online learning.
Florida Psychologists can apply up to 40* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
40 hours every two years, including six hours of ethics at a "personally attended workshop." APA (and others as listed) sponsorship approved required. Maximum of 16 hours of online education.
Georgia Psychologists can apply up to 16* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Georgia Board of Examiners of Psychologists
18 hours every two years (beginning July 1, 2016). Renewals occur on 6/30/even year. Programs must be approved by APA or state psychological associations. No mention of limits to online learning.
Hawaii Psychologists can apply up to 18* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
20 hours every year. Must have 4 hours of ethics, standards of care, and/or laws and rules every three years. Can carry up to 20 hours of CE over to the next year. Requires APA or other. Up to six hours of non accredited or self-study allowed. Limit of 10 hours of online education per year.
Idaho Psychologists can apply up to 10* CE credits from CustomCE each renewal year.
Idaho Board of Psychologist Examiners
24 hours every two years, including three hours in ethics. Programs must be approved by APA or others as listed. Maximum of 18 hours of online education.
Illinois Psychologists can apply up to 18* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Illinois Psychologists Licensing Board
40 hours every two years. No mention of specific topics required. Home study courses must have APA or similar sponsorship. Maximum of 10 hours of home study programs.
Indiana Psychologists can apply up to 10* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Indiana State Psychology Board
40 hours every two years, including six hours of ethics (2nd renewal and after), Iowa laws/rules, or risk management. Renewals occur on 7/1/even year. APA approval is accepted but not required. No mention of limits to online learning.
Iowa Psychologists can apply up to 40* CE credits from Custom every two year renewal period.
50 hours of continuing education every two years, including three hours of ethics and six hours of diagnosis and treatment. Renewals occur on June 30 of each even year. Programs must be accredited by national or regional accreditation. Maximum of 40 hours of directed self-study (online education) and 12 hours of non-directed self-study.
Kansas Psychologists can apply up to 40* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board
39 hours every three years (for renewals after June 30, 2013), including three hours of ethics or risk management. Programs must be offered or approved by the APA (or other listed professional organization), a national, state, or regional professional psychology association, or state psychology board. No mention of limits to online learning.
Kentucky Psychologists can apply up to 39* CE credits from CustomCE every three year renewal period.
Kentucky State Board of Psychology
30 hours every two years, including two hours of ethics or forensics. Renewals occur on July 1 of odd years for odd numbered licenses and even years for even numbered licenses. No mention of limits to online learning.
Louisiana Psychologists can apply up to 30* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Louisiana State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Full Text of CE Requirements (Click Continuing Education at the bottom of the page)
40 hours every two years, including three hours of ethics and, if performing supervision, three hours of supervision. Programs can be APA or others as listed on their web page. No mention of limits to online learning.
Maine Psychologists can apply up to 40* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Maine Board of Examiners of Psychologists
40 hours every two years, including three hours of laws, ethics, or risk management. Programs must be sponsored by APA or others as listed. Maximum of 20 hours of independent study. No mention of limits to online learning (aside from note about independent study).
Maryland Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCEC every two year renewal period.
Maryland Board of Examiners of Psychologists
20 hours every two years. No mention of required topics, need for sponsorship or accreditation, or limitations on online education.
Massachusetts Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Massachusetts Board of Registration of Psychologists
No continuing education required.
40 hours every two years. No mention of limits to online education. Accreditation is not required, although APA courses are automatically approved.
Minnesota Psychologists can apply up to 40* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
20 hours every two years, including two hours of ethics or legal issues. Renewals occur 7/1/odd year. Programs must be APA or Board approved. No mention of limits to online learning.
Mississippi Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Mississippi Board of Psychology
Please refer to the Missouri Committee of Psychologists
40 hours every two years. Programs can be APA, but other options available. No mention of limits to online learning.
Montana Psychologists can apply up to 40* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
24 hours every two years ending on January 1 of each odd year. Refer to the Board of Examiners for additional information.
Nebraska Board of Examiners of Psychologists
24 hours every two years. License renewals due by 1/1/odd year. No mention of specific topics or accreditation requirements. Online education is limited to 15 hours.
Nevada Psychologists can apply up to 15* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners
New Hampshire
40 hours every two years, including 30 hours from Category A (seminars, home study, workshops, etc.), including three hours ethics, and no more than 10 from Category B (other education). Category A programs must be APA or other professional association. Maximum of 20 hours of home study but no mention of limits to online learning.
New Hampshire Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
New Hampshire Board of Psychology
New Jersey
Please refer to the New Jersey Board of Psychological Examiners
New Mexico
The board requires 40 hours of CPE for licensed psychologists and psychologist associates every two (2) years. At least 15 of the 40 hours must be from Category I, four hours must be related to cultural diversity, five hours in ethics. For conditional prescribing and unrestricted prescribing psychologists the board requires 60 hours of CPE every two years, 40 of which must be in psychopharmacology. A maximum of 11 hours can be taken online.
New Mexico Psychologists can apply up to 11* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
New Mexico Board of Psychologist Examiners
New York
Please refer to the New York State Office of the Professions: Psychology
North Carolina
18 hours every two years, including three hours in ethical and legal issues. At least nine hours must be in Category A (formally organized courses, including online education). Category B includes other activities.
North Carolina Psychologists can apply up to 18* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
North Carolina Psychology Board
North Dakota
40 hours every two years, including three credits of supervision. Program must be approved by APA, CPA, or other listed boards and associations. A maximum of 20 hours of online education.
North Dakota Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
North Dakota Board of Psychologist Examiners
23 hours every two years, including four hours in professional conduct, ethics, or culture/ethnic identity. Renewals begin on 8/31/even year. Programs must be APA or other accredited.
Ohio Psychologists can apply up to 23* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Please refer to the Oklahoma Board of Examiners of Psychologists
40 hours every two years, including four hours of either ethics or Oregon State laws and rules (must take seven hours of pain management once in entire career). No limits on online education. Sponsorship or accreditation of CE program does not appear to be required.
Oregon Psychologists can apply up to 40* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Board of Psychologist Examiners
30 hours every two years, including three hours of ethics. Up to 10 hours can be carried over. Programs must be APA or will need to get approval from the Board. Can take up to 15 hours of home study.
Pennsylvania Psychologists can apply up to 15* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology
Rhode Island
Please refer to the Rhode Island Board of Psychology
South Carolina
24 hours every two years. A minimum of 12 hours must come from Category A (formal education). Category A must be accredited or sponsored. No mention of limits to online learning.
South Carolina Psychologists can apply up to 24* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
South Carolina Board of Examiners in Psychology
South Dakota
Please refer to the South Dakota Board of Psychologist Examiners
Please refer to the Tennessee Board of Examiners of Psychology
20 hours every year, including three in ethics, Board Rule of Conduct, or personal responsibility plus three hours in cultural diversity. At least 10 hours every year must be from APA or state associations or other organizations/schools. A maximum of 10 hours can be from non-accredited program or other activities. No mention of limits to online learning.
Texas Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCE each renewal year.
Texas Board of Examiners of Psychologists
48 hours every two years, including six hours of ethics/law. Maximum of six hours of clinical reading. Maximum of 18 hours of online education but must be APA.
Utah Psychologists can apply up to 18* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
60 hours of continuing education every two years, including minimum of six hours in ethics and no more than 30 hours on a single topic. No more than 24 hours may be in individual activities, including online learning. Continuing education programs sponsored by the American Psychological Association and the Vermont Psychological Association are pre-approved by the Board.
Vermont Psychologists can apply up to 24* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
Vermont Board of Psychological Examiners
14 hours every year, including 1.5 hours of ethics, standards of practice, or laws. A minimum of six hours must be earned in face to face instruction, limiting online education hours to eight hours per year. Programs must meet specific criteria, including APA.
Virginia Psychologists can apply up to 8* CE credits from CustomCE each renewal year.
60 hours every three years, including four hours of ethics. No limits on online education. Program must have APA, APA Division, State Board, or other professional organization sponsorship or approval.
Washington Psychologists can apply up to 60* CE credits from CustomCE every three year renewal period.
Washington State Department of Health
West Virginia
20 hours every two years, including three hours of ethics. 10 of these must come from APA or NASP sponsored providers. Starting in 2017, two hours must be related to mental health conditions common to veterans and their families. No mention of limits to online learning.
West Virginia Psychologists can apply up to 20* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
West Virginia Board of Examiners of Psychologists
40 hours every two years. License Renewals are due by 9/30/odd years.
Wisconsin Psychology Examining Board
30 hours every two years due June 30. Up to 20 hours of board approved hours, at least 10 hours of APA or NASP programs. No mention of limits to online learning.
Wyoming Psychologists can apply up to 30* CE credits from CustomCE every two year renewal period.
*It is the responsibility of each learner to verify that continuing education earned at AllPsych or elsewhere meets the requirements for his or her State and individual license. If you find an error on this page, please let us know.