A Text-Message Treatment for Social Anxiety

Online interventions are a promising new way of providing mental health support, as I’ve written about before. And the logical conclusion of that idea is that if we can treat mental health conditions over the internet, why not over text messaging too? A new study titled Text Message Safety Behavior Reduction for Social Anxiety suggests…

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When Therapy Helps With Social Anxiety

A type of therapy that is often recommended for social anxiety disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. In this type of therapy, people learn to challenge unhelpful thought patterns, create new behaviors, and respond to their emotions in more productive ways. As with any treatment, there is a range in how much CBT improves…

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Are People With Social Anxiety Afraid of Positive Feedback?

The way we typically think about it, social anxiety involves a fear of being evaluated negatively by other people. Which is true. But an interesting line of research suggests that people with social anxiety might also fear being evaluated positively by other people. In a recent experiment, researchers had people with and without social anxiety…

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