When Are Rich People More Entitled?

When a person has more of something, there’s always the risk that they’ll decide the reason they have more is because they deserve more. That’s the most self-serving interpretation, but then again, people are pretty good at coming up with self-serving interpretations. But does belonging to a higher social class necessarily mean having a greater…

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Attitudes to Inequality May Have Genetic Underpinning

It’s clear that we live in an unequal society, with some groups of people having more power and resources than others. What we don’t always agree on, though, is whether that’s a good or a bad thing. Psychologists sometimes measures people’s preferences for a hierarchical, unequal society by looking at social dominance orientation. Someone who…

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Subtle Linguistic Cues Can Discourage Young Girls From an Interest in Science

The language we use to talk about gender makes a difference. Last year, for example, I wrote about a study showing that previously being exposed to gender-neutral language affects how likely people are to assume that a “specialist” is male. But a new study suggests that even seemingly innocuous language that doesn’t directly reference gender…

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How Have Social Attitudes Changed in the Last Decade?

People’s attitudes toward different social groups tend to change over time. But how have people’s attitudes in the United States changed in recent years? A pair of researchers from Harvard University decided to tackle this complex question by asking an average of 3,700 people every month for a decade, essentially, how racist, homophobic, agist and…

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